Surfing Tips – What to Do When a Wave Breaks on You?

Samson Donick

November 3, 2022

Keeping your cool in such a situation is crucial. As a surfer, you must stay calm to catch the waves. Keeping calm and concentrating on your breathing is vital. Moreover, it would help if you protect your head and neck. The following article will discuss some techniques you can employ when a wave breaks on you. Best Surfing Tips – What to Do When a Wave Breaks on You?

Breath management

Breath management when a wave breaks can be challenging. It would help if you were prepared for this situation by taking a deep breath before it hits you. You were trying to hold your breath when a wave breaks can be a life-threatening mistake. Breathing is the fastest way to activate the nervous system and raise your heart rate. However, learning to control your breathing will help you calm your body and mind. It will also help you to be more alert and focused.

Positioning yourself on the surfboard

While surfing, you must stay calm and avoid getting caught up in the moment’s thrill. Every wave is unique and requires a different board position. It would help if you also kept the speed of the lock in mind so you could stay centred. If you are a beginner, you may be inexperienced and not know where to stand on the board when the wave breaks on you.

Once you have figured out how to stand, the next step is to learn how to position yourself on the surfboard. You must ensure your centre of gravity is just behind the vertical centre of your board. Your nose should be out of the water at about a 10 to 20-degree angle. This will prevent you from nosediving. In addition, your arms should be out to provide balance.

Duck diving

Duck diving is one of the best ways to get back on top of your board when a wave breaks on you. This technique is most effective with waves up to two feet high and requires only a shorter surfboard. The longer boards tend to float too much and cannot be used for duck diving. The technique is not only effective for keeping your momentum, but it also helps you avoid injuring yourself by catching a wave.

One of the essential tips for duck diving is to start early on a wave. This will allow you to get a head start and build momentum to glide underneath the wave. However, you don’t want to dive too deep. Ideally, you should start at about two meters from the lock to get the best position for a duck dive. Otherwise, you’ll end up too close to the wave and expose yourself to the incoming wave’s power.

Protecting your head and neck

If you’re in the water and you catch a wave, remember to protect your head and neck as much as possible. Keeping your hands out in front of you in the water can help keep your neck and head from being hit by the wave. This can also help you stay calm when the wave breaks on you.

Performing a turtle roll

First, start by flipping your board over your body. It’s best to start this maneuver as the wave is about two or six feet away. Then, it would help if you extended your arms to push through the oncoming wave. After the wave passes, you should be pulled back out of the water.

Performing a turtle roll when a big wave breaks on you is a powerful surf maneuver. This maneuver requires good grip and practice, but it can be very effective for catching big waves. Listed below are some tips that will help you master this maneuver.